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MantaPay Incentivized Testnet v3

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

Last week, we retired MantaPay Testnet v2 in preparation for the launch of MantaPay Testnet v3. MantaPay Testnet v3 is the final version of our testnet design before our beta main net release of MantaPay on Calamari Network. This article walks you through the steps for qualifying for the incentives, new features on Testnet v3, and how to get started.

MantaPay Testnet v2 Review

MantaPay Testnet v2, released on May 24, ran for approximately six months. During that time, 22,520 unique addresses generated over 180,000 private transactions. By comparison, on MantaPay Testnet v1, 6,000 unique addresses generated more than 60,000 transactions.

Looking Forward to Testnet v3

MantaPay Testnet v3 is the final testnet before the launching of MantaPay on Calamari Network. That will be the first private payment system ever launched within the Kusama ecosystem and will support various parachain assets. For the testnet, users can experience new features that weren’t available in v2; these features will also be available at the launch of MantaPay on Calamari.

Manta expect MantaPay Incentivized Testnet v3 to run for only a short period. Afterward, MantaPay will launch on Calamari Network. Following the launch of MantaPay on Calamari Network, we may continue to release new features for future versions of Testnet before releasing new features into the main nets on Calamari and, in the future, Manta Network.

New Features

MantaPay Testnet v3 comes with powerful new features, which make it simple and fast for users to conduct private transactions. The testnet supports bridging various parachain assets through cross-chain messaging (XCM), which is available through the Bridge tab in the application.

Also, MantaPay Testnet v3 supports ERC20 assets (currently through Moonbeam), which means that you can connect your MetaMask wallet to bridge and privatize ERC20 tokens.

The Incentivized Testnet

Qualify for the Incentivized Testnet: Join the Activities Here

Like with MantaPay Testnet v2, MantaPay Testnet v3 is incentivized. The same rules apply to qualify for our testnet in v3. To potentially qualify for the incentivized testnet airdrop, you must complete all of the testnet tasks. Out of the tasks listed, the feedback form is the most important one to pay attention to. Only high-quality feedback that will be useful to the design of MantaPay will be accepted as a qualification for the airdrop.

After MantaPay launches on Calamari Network, the MantaPay Incentivized Testnet v3 activities will conclude. While the Testnet will continue to run and introduce new features before their release into the main nets, the Testnet itself will no longer be incentivized.

If you have any questions about the tasks, you can ask them on our Discord channel.


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