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👋 Hi, I’m @tubianca

  • 👀 I’m interested in running nodes. It's been 3 years since I met crypto.

  • I have more than 2 years of extensive experience in node management, It is possible to host servers in several places. I usually prefer my own physical server to set up my nodes.

  • I run software that keeps a full copy of the blockchain and broadcasts transactions across the network. Nodes are needed in order to make blockchains work. I ensures that nodes run with enough resources to keep nodes stable and performant.

  • I will share in order to participate in the testnets of all projects that I see as potential and valuable, to get to know the project better and to follow the developments.

  • 📫 How to reach me 

  • 2CC12BB8-F0C4-4849-8423-48DDC030CB2A
  • Twitter
  • 02585AE5-B218-4702-8195-E317D8C66759

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